Episode 2: The Bill Cosby Of Buildings

This week, the Boys are joined by their first guest, friend of the show and Mrs. Pat George, Dominique. The Boys and Dominique explore a mysterious burial in Witch Hill, Panama, Kathy Griffin’s beheading of Trump and the finger pointing to GWAR, Marilyn Manson and other musicians, a nude man in some mountains and Wales, and our first guest submitted article about Tom Hanks tweeting about some looming building in NYC. Thank you for listening and don’t forgot to rate, review, and subscribe wherever you’re listening! Have an article you want us to read? Or some topics you’d like our opinion on? Reach out to us via email at FWFBuddhaBoys@gmail.com, on Facebook at The Buddha Boys or Twitter and Instagram @FWFBuddhaBoys. Be Blessed, Buddha Babies!

Links for the stories covered in this episode:
1. http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/06/strange-medical-mystery-unearthed-on-panamas-witch-hill/

2. http://www.metalinjection.net/latest-news/drama/kathy-griffins-lawyer-attempts-to-throw-gwar-marilyn-manson-municipal-waste-under-the-bus-in-bizarre-press-conference

3. http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/06/mysterious-naked-feral-man-observed-in-wales/