Buddha Boys Episode 28: Patty Gilmore

This week, the Boys are back in the Cattic for a full blown episode with Updates and Corrections, Rapid Fire and even an EXTRA STORY! They start out with an update on Oxygen and the 2 in H2O. They move on to discuss some issues that arose out of a previous Rapid Fire question, where the Boys discussed accidentally stealing material and accidentally having material stolen. Once the air is clear and Chris finishes being Pat’s calm translator, they go into Rapid Fire discussing the best state of breakfast sausage, favorite Christmas songs and movies, the Christmassiest cookie, and whether or not we’d let our kids believe in Santa. Chris then explains his Anarcho-Socialist beliefs and Pat reiterates his political beliefs before getting into stories about more Ghost Ships, a significant medical breakthrough for replacing cells, a mayor in Germany who wants to ban Arabic Numerals, and how there is more crime in London than NYC.

As always, Rate, Review and Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts and Be Blessed, Buddha Babies!

Buddha Boys Episode 27: Tru Tru Trudio

The Boys get together this week, each at their home studio to bring you some updates and corrections and some remaining rapid fire questions we hadn’t gotten to yet. This is followed by a past episode the boys recorded before they were THE Boys! Remember to rate and review on iTunes, go to BuddhaBoysPod.com and be blessed Buddha babies!

Buddha Boys Episode 25: Children of Trash

The Boys are coming to you LIVE from the Midtown Scholar in Harrisburg, PA! They are joined by the hilarious Thezz Grimes to cover all the important issues like our favorite personal article of clothing, unfunny comics and the shows they are on, some of the weirdest useless knowledge we have and much more. Then we treat the audience to three interesting stories about who can be guilty of cultural appropriation, a chunk of land along the America/Mexico border purchased by a popular card game and finally, one of the most important music festivals to Pat, coming to an end. Don’t forget, shirt preorders have been extended, visit BuddhaBoysPod.Com and drop by iTunes to drop us a rating and review! As always, be blessed Buddha babies!

Buddha Boys Episode 24: Bum Fighter II

The Boys welcome beloved Buddha Baby Indiana Bottiger to the show this week. After a quick update for a previous show the boys get into a short rapid fire round, talking about what kind of pro wrestler we would like to be and some of our favorite Pokemon. In an unusual turn of events the Boys spend the whole show on just one Buddha Baby submitted story discussing the confusion surrounding assault, in all its forms. Please let us know what ya think, either on our Facebook or at BuddhaBoysPod.Com. Make sure to get your shirts preordered before Black Friday and please Rate and review on iTunes. As always, be blessed Buddha Babies!

Buddha Boys Episode 13: Yard Sale Jazz

The boys start out by catching up and trying to figure out if having Chinese food two days in a row makes you an asshole. Then they move on to a brand new segment, Updates & Corrections, in which the boys beg forgiveness after getting a fact wrong or simply update the babies on a story we covered in past episodes. Then the boys move into rapid fire topics. Topics such as why Phish is a bad band, getting matching tattoos, potato chips vs potato sticks, a picture of a strange creature sent into the show, what animal would we want to be and what animal we feel we actually are, when is the scariest time of day, what’s the worst Pixar movie, what’s a super power we’d never want. We finish up this sweet sode with stories covering skin walkers, Elisa Lam and child support, nothing the Boys can’t handle! Thanks for listening and make sure to go to BuddhaBoysPod.com for all your Buddha Boys needs!