Buddha Boys Episode 86: Vapesectomy

This week, the Boys are joined by Comedian and editor of The Hard Times Eric Navarro! They start out in just some general conversation before hopping into shout outs! Then, the Boys get into Rapid Fire, discussing the game Anthem, picking our own Rapid Fires, conspiracy theories, losing limbs, and selling a state to Canada for $1 trillion.

Be sure to Rate, Review and Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts and, as always, Be Blessed Buddha Babies!

Buddha Boys Bonus Sode: Buddha Boys are For Sale

This week’s bonus sode starts out with the Boys discussing what makes the podcast so special and what we love about it and our Babies! We also talk about if or when we would sell out.We don’t take long to get into the meat of the episode which focusses mainly on Conspiracy theories and their effects. What makes certain theories dangerous and how to tell the difference. Make sure to stop by BuddhaBoysPod.com to preorder your very own Buddha Boys Shirt! Please rate and review and as always Be Blessed!

Episode 5: The Legend of Six-Eyed Jim

This week, Pat joins Chris in the yet-to-be studio named Chris’s basement apartment where they are possibly haunted by the ghosts of family members passed. The basement seems the birth of Six-Eyed Jim; a supernatural creature that shows shortly before the death of a comedy show. They get into a lengthy Rapid Fire, thanks mostly to Indiana Bottiger, and then Chris rolls a Buddha Boy’s choice to start the topics. The Boys discuss Get Out, the Ass in  A Midsummer Night’s Dream and then ANOTHER BUDDHA BOY’S CHOICE where Chris decides to use an article he submitted that sites the source material for the truth in some popular conspiracy theories.

Links from this episode can be found at:

Get Out: http://m.imdb.com/title/tt5052448/

Midsummer night dream movie: http://www.slashfilm.com/a-midsummer-nights-dream-trailer/

conspiracy theories : http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/1LCE67/:1NpPR4BeN:vu9_gtuf

Have an article you want us to read? Or some topics you’d like our opinion on? Reach out to us via our website, BuddhaBoysPod.com,  or email us at FWFBuddhaBoys@gmail.com, on Facebook at The Buddha Boys or Twitter and Instagram @FWFBuddhaBoys. Be Blessed, Buddha Babies!