Buddha Boys Episode 83: America’s SweetHole

Hey there, Babies! This week the Boys are back this week and they discuss how much Nick (Yawn!) looks like Chris’s Mamam, begging for Rapid fires, Waluigi in Smash, scams, worst case nicknames, how cold is too cold, Ja Rule, Sandra Bullock movies, charity, favorite vehicles, superhero’s of either sex that we’d date, favorite chains, painting, soups, and the almond in almond joy!

Be sure to Rate, Review, and Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts and, as always; Be Blessed, Buddha Babies!

Buddha Boys Episode 75: TruCome

This week, the Boys start out with the Ska song that brings Chris over to the Skank-side. They discuss Pat not wanting to make it any easier for the robot takeover, their favorite shows, home remedies for colds, FMK with the Full House Fellers, what comes to mind when we think of George H.W. Bush, what the soundtrack of our most treasured moment would sound like, Cody Sean Kratzer’s name, creating a fictional podcast and ANOTHER…MILLION…DOLLARS!

Be sure to Rate, Review, and Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts and, as always, Be Blessed, Buddha Babies!